TitleSearcher would like to welcome Cleveland County, Arkansas. Jimmy Cummings is the Circuit Clerk. Images and Indexes are available from January 1st, 2009 - Present. more news
Sheena Tinsley
SULLIVAN County Register of Deeds
3411 Highway 126 Suite 101 Blountville, TN  37617

Took Office: Sep 01, 2014
County Website
Contact Us
Phone: 423-323-6420
Fax: 423-279-2771

Data Availability
DEED INDEX INFORMATION 01/01/1930 - 07/31/2024
DEED IMAGES VIEWABLE FROM 07/01/1980 - 07/31/2024
OTHER INDEX INFORMATION 07/01/1980 - 07/31/2024
OTHER IMAGES VIEWABLE FROM 07/01/1980 - 07/31/2024
NON-INDEXED TRUST DEEDS 1925 - 6/30/1980
NON-INDEXED LIEN 1932 - 6/30/1980
OLD INDEX BOOKS 1770 - 1930
NON-INDEXED PLATS 09/01/1926 - 06/30/1980
NON-INDEXED DEEDS 04/01/1899 - 06/30/1980

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